Join BioNJ in our efforts to protect Patients and medical innovation from ICER.

BioNJ has created the following digital advocacy toolkit of social media posts, shareable graphics, video, and email content to empower you and your organization to lend your voice on the importance of protecting medical innovation on behalf of Patients. Please consider customizing, distributing, and sharing the following resources across your professional and personal digital channels and with partners to protect medical innovation in New Jersey and promote Patient advocacy.
Social Media Content: Protecting Medical Innovation in New Jersey
NOTE: Posts are customized to fit Twitter character limits.
- CLICK TO TWEET: New Jersey’s innovative life sciences ecosystem creates life-saving treatments and cures that give Patients hope, but it’s under threat. Help @BioNJ_Org preserve access to life-saving care by taking action at
- CLICK TO TWEET: Meet ICER: A research group that uses a controversial approach to drug value assessment that may be discriminatory – as it values treating young people in good health as more cost-effective than treating older adults. Learn more from @BioNJ_Org:
- CLICK TO TWEET: FACT: Between 2014-2018, none of ICER’s reviews of rare disease drugs resulted in a “high value” rating. ICER’s methods are not the answer to measure the value of rare disease drugs and could threaten access to these treatments. Learn more from @BioNJ_Org: [INSERT GRAPHIC: SEE OPTIONS BELOW]
- CLICK TO TWEET: Older Americans. People with disabilities. People with a rare disease. ICER discriminates against all of them. New Jersey policymakers should take notice of ICER and why it’s not the answer. Learn more about how ICER threatens Patients and innovation:
- CLICK TO TWEET: How do we define drug value for Patients? Regulators in New Jersey could be asking themselves this very question to determine access to innovative, life-changing treatments. Help @BioNJ_Org protect innovation and the Patient voice in drug value assessment:
- CLICK TO TWEET: ICER’s controversial methodology threatens Patients everywhere, especially those with a disability. In fact, use of the QALY in state Medicaid may violate the Americans with Disabilities Act. Learn more and help @BioNJ_Org protect Patients here:
- CLICK TO TWEET: If policymakers adopt ICER reviews, it will allow ICER– rather than physicians – to make treatment decisions for Patients. When Patients can’t access the treatments they need, it can lead to complications. Learn how we can protect Patients and innovation:
Social Media Graphics: Protecting Medical Innovation in New Jersey.
Click on the thumbnail below. Right click and select “save as picture” to save locally to your computer.
Social Media Content: Video – The Value of Medical Innovation
NOTE: Posts are customized to fit Twitter character limits.
- CLICK TO TWEET: We are excited to share a @BioNJ_Org video that demonstrates the critical value of medical innovation and the impact of the unprecedented work being done right here in New Jersey! Watch and learn more.
- CLICK TO TWEET: New Jersey’s innovative life sciences companies create treatments and cures that give hope to Patients everywhere. Now they are on the frontlines of efforts to develop innovations that will help end the #COVID19 pandemic. Learn more from @BioNJ_Org:
- CLICK TO TWEET: Medical innovations such as those created right here in New Jersey have cured hepatitis C, led to a sharp decline in cancer death rates, and made HIV/AIDS a manageable condition. Watch a @BioNJ_Org video to learn more about medical innovation:
Social Media Content: Video – Protect Patients & Innovation from the Threat of ICER
NOTE: Posts are customized to fit Twitter character limits.
- CLICK TO TWEET: New Jersey’s life sciences industry is not only home to groundbreaking medical innovations helping millions of Patients, but also over 350,000 jobs. ICER’s methods threaten innovation, Patient access, and the New Jersey economy. Learn more from @BioNJ_Org.
- CLICK TO TWEET: New Jersey’s life sciences ecosystem – with nearly 5,600 life sciences establishments – drives prosperity and better health outcomes. Innovative treatments created in NJ help millions of people lead longer, healthier lives:
- CLICK TO TWEET: Medical innovation is essential to improving the lives of millions of Patients. ICER’s one-size-fits-all approach threatens medical innovation and Patient wellbeing here in New Jersey and beyond. Learn more from @BioNJ_Org.
Social Media Content: BioNJ Infographic – Protecting Medical Innovation in New Jersey
- CLICK TO TWEET: What is ICER? What does ICER mean for Patients in New Jersey? How can you get involved to protect Patients and medical innovation in New Jersey and beyond? These questions are answered in the @BioNJ_Org one-page handout: [INSERT GRAPHIC: SEE OPTIONS BELOW]
- CLICK TO TWEET: ICER could endanger Patient access to innovative medicines and harm New Jersey’s thriving life sciences industry. Learn more about ICER and how you can get involved to protect Patients and innovation itself from @BioNJ_Org: [INSERT GRAPHIC: SEE OPTIONS BELOW]
Click to Download the BioNJ Infographic – Protecting Medical Innovation in New Jersey From ICER
Social Media Content: BioNJ Grassroots Email Advocacy Program
NOTE: Posts are customized to fit Twitter character limits.
- CLICK TO TWEET: Medical innovations developed right here in New Jersey helped us end the COVID-19 pandemic. Join the @BioNJ_Org campaign to protect Patients and medical innovation in New Jersey today:
- CLICK TO TWEET: Medical innovations enable us to discover new cures for Patients in New Jersey and beyond. Sign up now to help @BioNJ_Org protect innovation and Patient voices!
- CLICK TO TWEET: Because Patients Can’t Wait®, any solution to control health care costs in New Jersey must promote life saving innovations. Sign your name now and join our efforts to promote a thriving life sciences industry in New Jersey.
Social Media Graphics: Protecting Medical Innovation in New Jersey
Click on the thumbnail below. Right click and select “save as picture” to save locally to your computer.
Email Newsletter Template: Protecting Medical Innovation in New Jersey
SUBJECT LINE: What Does ICER Mean for Patients?
Dear Friend,
As you may know, the Institute for Clinical and Economic Review (ICER) threatens to have a big impact on Patients here in New Jersey and the medical innovation ecosystem that Patients around the country rely on to produce life-changing treatments and cures.
The ICER “Value Assessment” Model
Patients and innovation could be under attack if policymakers in New Jersey consider adopting ICER’s controversial “value assessment” reports to determine access to care. ICER uses a flawed method to determine the value of drugs, based on an arbitrary evaluation of the value of one year of “perfect health.”
The “Quality Adjusted Life Years (QALY)” Method
ICER’s “value assessment” reports on new drugs analyze how well a drug works, its economic value, and other elements of value. To do this, ICER uses the “Quality Adjusted Life Years (QALY)” technique to determine the cost-effectiveness of drugs, assigning a random evaluation of the monetary worth of one year of “perfect health.”

ICER Ignores the Patient Voice
In its reviews, ICER ignores individual Patient preferences, and the QALY disregards individual circumstances such as age, condition, or unique Patient needs. The QALY methodology and similar approaches to drug value assessment may also be discriminatory, as it places a lower value on the lives of the disabled and elderly.
If ICER principles are adopted in New Jersey, their reviews could be devastating for medical innovation and have unintended consequences for Patients.
Because Patients Can’t Wait®, any solution to control health care costs in New Jersey must promote innovation, incorporate the unique needs of Patients, and ensure access to care. Join BioNJ in their efforts to protect medical innovation and access to life-changing treatments for New Jerseyans and all Americans. Sign up and they will send you email opportunities to take action online and in your community.
Learn more at